Pro Cuffs @ the Pensacola Blue Wahoos "Coaches Clinic"!
/Local Pensacola coaches at the Clinic.
Coaches getting great advice on making their players better from the Pro Cuffs pros!
DeLino, Linc and Brian share with the coaches!
Thank you to all of the coaches who came out on Sunday March 30th to beautiful Pensacola Bayfront Stadium to participate in the first ever “Coaches Clinic” with Pensacola Blue Wahoos Club manager and Pro Cuffs inventor Delino DeShields, former pro player and MLB Scout Lincoln “Linc” Martin and Pro Cuffs principal officer Brian Leggett.
The coaches that attended are from the Pensacola area and coach all levels of youth baseball and softball.
We hope you are able to parlay all of your pointers into winning seasons for your teams and that you get to put the Pro Cuffs to good use!
Here are a few comments on the clinic!
Jason Dingler - It was very educational.... Thank you!
Amanda Wood - Thank you very much. We've already put the Pro Cuffs to good use, our girls were confused at first but now understand.
The Pro Cuffs help baseball and softball players at any level get better, faster. Visit our website at "Follow" us on twitter - @theprocuffs. "Like" us on Facebook - the pro cuffs